FEADER – PWDR – Pays de Chimay forest

In partnership with the Viroin-Hermeton Nature Park and nine municipalities, the Pays des Lacs Tourist Office has developed actions that aim to support the development of services and information concerning tourist activities in rural areas, within the framework of measure 16.3. The aim is to discover natural and cultural heritage in rural areas and to strengthen the defining character of our region within Wallonia.
Summary of achievements :
- Inviting visitors to discover our region on foot was one of the first projects. Spanning 175 kilometres, the Grande Traversée Trail in the Pays de Chimay Forest directly intersects our forest massif. In order to facilitate total immersion, nine bivouacs have been erected along the route.
- Alongside partners who know how to offer accommodation and activities related to nature, the Pays des Lacs Tourist Office has created getaways: Viroinval, the authentic, forest EcoTrip.
- La Chevauchée au Pays des Lacs offers excursions for equestrians and other riders. At the same time, the creation of the points-nœuds pedestrian network will allow hikers to more easily reach points of interest, train stations or local producers.
- Athletes are also catered to with the Challenge Trail in the Pays de Chimay Forest.
- TOTEMUS treasure hunts in Momignies give families the chance to discover the forest in a fun manner.
- Over these years, various events have taken place: the Escape Game in Sivry-Rance or festivities at the Viroin-Hermeton Nature Park.
- FEADER : €285,987.24
- Walloon region : €258,750.36
- Municipalities : €136,284.40

"European agricultural fund for rural development: Europe is investing in rural areas"