Walks & Hikes

Big Crossing in the Pays de Chimay Forest – Olloy - Philippeville

Big Crossing in the Pays de Chimay Forest – Olloy - Philippeville


The great crossing’s connection towards Philippeville diverges from the GR 125 at a small square near the church in Olloy. You will follow the Tienne du Moulin, a limestone hill that is typical of the Calestienne region, before reaching Viroin. You will then travel between rivers and wooded hills, before reaching the village of Dourbes, at the base of the remains of the Château de Haute Roche. You will then leave Viroinval and travel through the typical villages of the Namur fens: Fagnolle, Roly, Sautour and Samart in Philippeville. Upon reaching the centre of Philippeville – Place d’Armes – your journey on the great crossing comes to a close.

Walk info

On foot

Length of route 25.2km

Walk duration 6h

Difficulty : Medium

Signage :