Walks & Hikes

Crossing the Eau Noire river

Crossing the Eau Noire river


From the Ruisseau de Nouée valley near Oignies-en-Thiérache, you enter through the woods near Ry de Rome. Feel free to get lost in your imagination in the peace of this large stretch of forest, before descending towards Couvin. You will follow the bed of the Eau Noire river from the ridge to the valley. This magnificent river is surrounded by hay meadows, isolated farms and deep forests. Despite its name, the Eau Noire river is famous for the clarity of its water, which comes directly from the woods. You continue west through the mountain massifs that overlook the Eau Noire river and reach Forges by crossing the Ermitage stream, after bypassing the village of Presgaux. You will pass near Scourmont Abbey, where the famous Trappist Chimay beer is brewed.   

Walk info


Length of route 34.5km

Difficulty : Medium

Signage :