Museums & Heritage

Gerpinnes, village of St. Rolende

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Gerpinnes, village of St. Rolende


Gerpinnes, district of Belgium situated south of the "Sillon Sambre and Meuse", 12km from Charleroi, is certainly one of the loveliest town in Wallonie. From the gallo-roman period up to now, Gerpinnes has always been able to develop itself and at the same time to keep its folklore and its secular traditions:

- Its folk marches, the most important one being that of the Pentecost (gathering more than 2500 walkers in typical costumes of the 1st and 2nd Napoleonic Empire) in honour of Holy Rolende.

- Its big fires whose origins date back to the mists of time.

- Its medieval monuments, its castles, its fountains, its churches (St Michel Church where you can find the remains of Holy Rolende, daughter of Didier, King of the Lombards ; who died of exhaustion in Villers-Poterie in the 9th century.

- Its craft products such as the famous "cuvée gerpinnoise" together with the Rigodon cheese will be a real pleasure for the finest gourmet.

Its verdant nature, its quietness, its pure air will certainly contribute to your well-being.

For groups

Visit languages

  • French