Au bord de la Hantes


Created when the hamlet of Hantes and the village of Wihéries became one, Hantes-Wihéries is characterised by its limestone rubble. This itinerary immerses you in the heart of the Hantes valley. Stray away from the route for 200 metres and you will discover the Arcole bridge, which dates to the 19th century. You will pass the Grand Pré farm, which comprises a former mill and a main building that is dedicated to tourism and gastronomy. As you return to the village, spare some time for the cemetery, where French and German soldiers who died in 1914 during WWI have been laid to rest. Finally, admire the classic architecture of Château de Robaulx, the former residence of the lords of Hantes during the 17th century. The 18th-century Church of Saint-Rémi is home to statues of Saint-Roch and Sainte-Barbe. 

Walk info

On foot

Length of route 5.75km

Walk duration 1h30

Difficulty : Medium

Signage :

Services & facilities

  • Parking