Walks & Hikes

Between peaceful landscapes and beautiful wooded countryside

Between peaceful landscapes and beautiful wooded countryside


Enjoy the wild, lush and silent nature of the landscapes of the Oise valley with its steep slopes dotted with charming farms and rustic villages. Along the RAVeL trail of line 156 is a pretty arboretum with indigenous and exotic tree species, as well as a pool that is home to extremely diverse fauna and flora. Along this node way, trees still reign along the Beauwelz wood, a traditional oak grove with hornbeams, and the Masure wood, a stone’s throw from the French border.    


Learn about forest management with the Forest Fun app in Momignies; follow the customs trail; visit the Courquain customs post; play a round of mini-golf at the Heureux Abri centre; sample escabeche from Val d’Oise.


The Oise valley; the oak-tree forests; the arboretum in Momignies; the mixed woodlands and pastures of Thiérache.

Walk info

Nodal points route

  • 58
  • 59
  • 60
  • 61
  • 66
  • 67
  • 60
  • 59
  • 58

Bicycle tourism

Length of route 19.3km

Difficulty : Medium

Signage :

Services & facilities

  • Parking