FEADER – LEADER – Promoting the Botte du Hainaut as a leading tourist destination

In partnership with the GAL of the Botte du Hainaut region and its five municipalities (Sivry-Rance, Chimay, Beaumont, Momignies and Froidchapelle), the Pays des Lacs Tourist Office has developed actions that aim to improve the professional standards of tourism stakeholders, to develop innovative activities in rural settings and activities that citizens can participate in, within the framework of measure 19.
Summary of achievements :
- The Pays des Lacs Tourist Office has created an online app and challenge game with which to discover the region.
- Tourist information is no longer limited to the reception desk of Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. Information is everywhere. Faced with the din, it is difficult for visitors to cut through the noise. The travel truck was developed to allow the Pays des Lacs Tourist Office to meet visitors and offer them personalised advice in an innovative setting.
- The Pays des Lacs Tourist Office wants to improve the meeting between visitors and local stakeholders who want to share their passion and expertise. The Pays des Lacs Tourist Office has developed its project, within the context of measure 19: the Pays des Lac region has the talent to allow a feather artisan, a sitar player, a herbalist and nature guide, a ceramicist and many other talents to welcome visitors.
- All the photos found on www.lepaysdeslacs.be and www.cm-tourisme.be for the Pays des Lacs region, as well as the different videos produced as part of the Leader project.
- Finally, thanks to the project, seminars, forums and training sessions have been organised to improve the professional standards of tourism stakeholders in the region.
- FEADER : €177,416.28
- Walloon region : €235,179.72
- Municipalities : €45,844.00

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